It's all about you.
Powerfitness trainers are highly trained to assess and diagnose your fitness levels and condition, then plan and administer programs to get your fitness to the highest possible level.
We maximize your potential through education and understanding.
As Goal setting and understanding your needs are a fundamental part of your fitness, we have formulated the key components of fitness into realistic and achievable modules.
From beginner to elite, we are able to construct a specific program to maximise your training potential. Our studio is tailor built to accommodate a wide variety of needs. Once inside, the Powerfitness Personal Trainers and therapists, will guide you every step of the way.
Powerfitness is about your health and fitness journey, it is our aim to optimise your training , through our systems and teachings.
To cater to a growing market and a greater need for specificity, Powerfitness has added a variety of specialist training modules .
We have a large range of training modules for you to choose from. All classes are 1 hour in length.
Give us a call on 5222 4888 or
Call Nick on 0407 875 594 and
Let's Get Started!